“Inside Out 2” continues to delve into the fascinating world of human emotions, providing audiences with a deeper understanding of emotional intelligence. Through Riley’s ongoing journey and the introduction of new emotions, the film showcases how recognizing, embracing, and managing a wide array of feelings is vital for personal development and mental health. The interplay between these emotions offers a rich tapestry of lessons on how to navigate the complexities of life, underscoring the importance of emotional balance, empathy, and self-awareness.


The sequel highlights the necessity of integrating all emotions, even those that are uncomfortable or challenging, into our daily lives. As Riley encounters new situations and grows older, the film demonstrates how emotional intelligence is not about suppressing negative emotions but about harmonizing them with positive ones to achieve overall well-being. “Inside Out 2” teaches viewers that understanding and accepting the full spectrum of emotions can lead to better decision-making, stronger relationships, and a more resilient and fulfilling life. Through its engaging narrative, the film serves as an educational tool, emphasizing that emotional intelligence is a crucial skill that can be developed and refined over time.

Let’s look at the lessons in the movie, yet beware – spoilers ahead.


Embrace All Emotions


Lesson: As Riley encounters the new emotions of Anxiety, Embarrassment, and Ennui, the film illustrates that experiencing a broader spectrum of feelings is a natural and necessary part of growing up. This helps viewers understand that new emotions like embarrassment, jealousy, and pride are important for personal development. Understanding and accepting a wide range of emotions, including those that are less comfortable, is crucial for emotional intelligence. Each emotion has a purpose and contributes to our overall well-being, whether it’s to protect, motivate, or help us connect with others. Understanding these roles enhances emotional intelligence. Taking time to reflect on your emotions and experiences can provide valuable insights and promote personal growth.

The film’s central narrative revolves around the interactions between emotions such as Joy, Sadness, and Anxiety. Initially, Joy strives to keep Riley happy by suppressing other emotions, particularly Sadness. However, as Riley encounters situations that bring about disappointment, fear, and stress, Joy realizes that these emotions are crucial for her emotional health. For example, Sadness plays a key role in helping Riley process and express her feelings during difficult times, fostering empathy and connection with others. Similarly, Anxiety helps Riley stay vigilant and prepared for new challenges, helps Riley focus her attention on important details, anticipate ways things can go wrong, and keeps Riley safe, illustrating that even seemingly negative emotions have protective and adaptive functions.  Anger’s function is to give Riley the energy to stand up for what she doesn’t like or to enforce a boundary with others.  Fear keeps Riley safe from the threats that are directly in front of her, and Disgust keeps her safe from things that could hurt her by getting her to pull away from these things. Embarrassment lets Riley know when she does things that others may not approve of or are socially inappropriate.  Ennui, which is a mix of being bored and tired and that people typically begin to experience as teenagers, is a coping mechanism that begins in teenage years and functions to help Riley manage the intensity of the high expectations and high emotional intensity by encouraging disengagement to find emotional relief.  Ennui also helps Riley identify what is important and what is less interesting to her, which is a normal experience in life and helps Riley conserve her energy for things that are more worth her time according to her own system of values versus the expectations of others.


Emotional Balance


Lesson: Just like in the first film, “Inside Out 2” emphasizes the need for a balanced emotional life by showing how Riley’s various emotions must work together to navigate the complexities of her growing up. Emotional intelligence involves maintaining a balance among different emotions. It teaches that no single emotion should dominate our lives, and a healthy interplay of various emotions is crucial for making well-rounded decisions and leading a fulfilling life and leads to better decision-making and mental health.

The film also introduces the concept of emotional cooperation. The emotions learn that by respecting each other’s roles and working together, they can better support Riley. For example, during a particularly stressful period, Joy and Anxiety collaborate to help Riley stay positive yet cautious, finding a middle ground that enables her to cope effectively. This cooperative dynamic illustrates that emotional balance is not about eliminating negative emotions but integrating them in a way that they complement and enhance each other.

Joy’s mental breakdown is an example of how joy is separate from happiness and is actually part of a process that relies on the integration of all emotions.  Happiness is an emotion indicating pleasure of something in the present moment, while joy is a higher sense of purpose and meaning, including finding meaning in the suffering and struggles in life.  This means that joy is not just an emotion but also a state of mind that can be present during difficult times.  To experience joy, you have to go through life’s difficulties to identify your personal values and strengths, for without life’s difficulties, you cannot know joy. Riley’s experiences and difficulties during hockey training allow her to fully know and understand all aspects of Joy.




Lesson: Riley’s journey in “Inside Out 2” is one of personal growth and self-discovery. As she faces new challenges and experiences, she learns more about who she is and what she values. This aspect of the film encourages viewers to embrace their own journeys of self-discovery, understanding that growth often comes from facing and overcoming difficulties. Being aware of and understanding your own emotions is the foundation of emotional intelligence. Recognizing how different situations affect your feelings helps you navigate your emotional landscape more effectively.

The film highlights moments where Riley becomes more introspective, reflecting on how different situations impact her emotions and behavior. These moments of self-reflection are crucial for developing self-awareness, as they enable Riley to understand the triggers and underlying causes of her emotional responses. The film demonstrates that part of emotional intelligence is learning to manage emotional responses appropriately. This includes recognizing triggers, understanding the intensity of emotional reactions, and finding constructive ways to express emotions. Identifying what triggers your emotions helps you manage your reactions and develop strategies to cope with challenging situations.




Lesson: As Riley grows older, she becomes more aware of the emotions of those around her. “Inside Out 2” highlights the development of empathy, showcasing moments where Riley’s understanding of others’ feelings impacts her actions and decisions. It underscores the importance of understanding and considering others’ perspectives and feelings, promoting a more compassionate and empathetic society. Developing empathy by understanding and sharing the feelings of others is a key component of emotional intelligence. It fosters stronger relationships and better communication.

By recognizing and validating her own emotions, Riley becomes better equipped to understand and relate to the emotions of others. This interconnectedness between self-awareness and empathy is illustrated when Riley reflects on her emotions and realizes how they affect her interactions with those around her. The film emphasizes that empathy involves both an inward and outward focus: understanding one’s own emotions and using that understanding to connect with and support others.


Effective Communication and Emotional Expression


Lesson: Effective communication of emotions is another crucial theme in “Inside Out 2.” The film explores how Riley learns to articulate her complex feelings to those around her, including her parents and friends. This emphasizes the importance of open and honest communication in building and maintaining relationships. It also shows that talking about our feelings can help alleviate emotional burdens and lead to better mutual understanding. Expressing your emotions clearly and respectfully is crucial for emotional intelligence. Open communication helps in resolving conflicts and building trust.

For example, when Riley feels overwhelmed by social pressures and school demands, her initial reluctance to express her Anxiety and Sadness results in increased stress and isolation. The movie teaches that acknowledging and communicating these emotions is crucial for finding support and resolving issues.

Expanding your emotional vocabulary allows for more precise expression and understanding of your feelings, leading to better emotional management. Expanding one’s emotional vocabulary significantly enhances emotion management by providing a more precise and nuanced way to identify, understand, and express feelings. When individuals have a richer array of emotional terms at their disposal, they can better recognize subtle differences between similar emotions, such as distinguishing between feeling “irritated” and “angry” or “anxious” and “nervous.” This precise identification allows for more effective self-reflection and understanding, enabling individuals to pinpoint the exact cause and nature of their emotional states. Additionally, accurately naming emotions can reduce their intensity, a process known as “affect labeling,” which helps in managing feelings more effectively. Clear emotional articulation also facilitates better communication with others, fostering empathy and improving relationships by preventing misunderstandings. Overall, a well-developed emotional vocabulary equips individuals with the tools to navigate their emotional landscape with greater clarity and control, leading to improved mental health and emotional well-being.

“Inside Out 2” also illustrates effective communication through the interactions between Riley and her family. As Riley grows older, she experiences more complex emotions that require open and honest communication. The film shows how sharing her feelings with her parents, even when they are difficult to articulate, helps build trust and understanding.

Furthermore, the movie highlights the importance of emotional expression in fostering empathy and connection. By showing how Riley’s friends and family respond to her emotional expressions, the film emphasizes that effective communication is a two-way street. When Riley’s friends share their own feelings, it encourages Riley to do the same, creating a supportive and empathetic environment. This reciprocal communication teaches viewers that expressing emotions openly can lead to deeper connections and mutual understanding.


Resilience Through Adversity


Lesson: The film shows Riley encountering and overcoming various adversities, reinforcing the idea that resilience is built through facing and managing challenges. This lesson is particularly relevant for viewers dealing with their own difficulties, providing a model of how to navigate tough times. Emotional intelligence includes the ability to bounce back from setbacks and adversity. Building resilience helps you cope with stress and maintain a positive outlook.

The film also emphasizes the role of adversity in building resilience through the interactions between Riley’s emotions. When faced with challenges such as making new friends, performing well in school, or dealing with family dynamics, Riley’s emotions work together to help her confront and overcome obstacles. For example, Sadness becomes instrumental in processing difficult emotions and seeking support, while Anger helps Riley assert herself and set boundaries.

Moreover, “Inside Out 2” underscores that resilience involves accepting and learning from adversity rather than avoiding it. By showing Riley’s emotional journey, the movie teaches viewers that experiencing setbacks and disappointments is a natural part of life. Through these experiences, Riley learns valuable lessons about resilience, such as the importance of perseverance, adaptability, seeking support from others, and self-acceptance and self-compassion.


Managing Stress and Embracing Self-Compassion


Lesson: Learning techniques to manage stress, such as mindfulness and deep breathing, is essential for maintaining emotional balance and preventing anxiety from taking control.

When Riley was feeling inadequate, she learned that self-compassion is the most effective way to reduce her experience of anxiety and was more effective than when Joy was trying to repress or stop her negative emotions.  Joy stops trying to control these emotions and instead leans into them, reassuring them, and seeking to understand their experience and importance for Riley.  That’s when Riley begins to give herself the same compassion that her new and old friends provided for her, especially Val, the person she is most trying to impress. Val wants and encourages Riley to be herself and to not work to conform to others on the team. Riley’s best friends remind her they love her, even when she is struggling. This allows Riley to stop focusing on controlling the bad and instead focus on accepting herself for who she is – a human with both strengths and struggles.

The movie demonstrates grounding and mindfulness techniques that are effective when experiencing anxiety, such as Riley touching her hockey stick during her panic attack, bringing Riley back to the present moment and unhooking Riley from her anxiety-driven thoughts.  Joy brought the mind workers back from anxiety-based thoughts and projections to an increased focus on present-moment awareness with mindfulness and attention to present-moment details, as well as returning the mind workers’ focus to what Riley values the most.  Anger helps Joy create a boundary with the mind workers in order to bring Riley back from being hooked with these aversive thoughts and worries.

Joy challenged Anxiety’s beliefs about the threats to Riley through the use of reality checking, helping to ground Riley and release the control Anxiety had of Riley at the headquarters control panel.


Accepting Change and Uncertainty


Lesson: Adolescence is marked by significant changes and uncertainties. “Inside Out 2” delves into how Riley and her emotions handle these changes, such as new friendships, academic pressures, and self-identity. Riley’s journey demonstrates that while change can be uncomfortable, it is an inevitable part of life. Emotional intelligence involves accepting that change is a natural part of life. Adapting to new circumstances with a positive attitude helps in managing emotions. The film encourages viewers to face changes with courage and openness, showcasing personal growth through these experiences.

In the end, it really doesn’t matter if Riley succeeded in making the team, as grounding herself, accepting herself, and getting back in contact with her personal values was how she ultimately succeeded in being human and integrating her emotional experiences.


Personal Growth and Self-Discovery


Lesson: Riley’s journey of facing new challenges and experiences is also one of self-discovery. “Inside Out 2” encourages viewers to embrace their own paths of self-discovery, understanding that personal growth often comes from overcoming difficulties and learning more about oneself.

Riley’s experience as a teen is developing an increased sense of self, where beliefs and memories help form Riley’s narrative about herself, the world, and which develops her system of personal values. This sense of self is what allows Riley to make decisions based on her values over allowing her emotions to control her, which could lead to emotional reactivity and force her to do things she doesn’t actually believe in.  Riley learns the importance of integrating all forms of experience into her sense of self, including blending her positive and negative experiences to better understand herself and what is ultimately important to her.


Building Stronger Relationships and Setting Boundaries


Lesson: By highlighting the dynamics between Riley and her parents, friends, and new acquaintances, the film emphasizes the importance of nurturing relationships through understanding, empathy, and effective communication. Emotional intelligence involves recognizing and setting healthy boundaries to protect your emotional well-being and maintain respectful relationships. Emotional intelligence includes knowing when to seek support from others. Whether it’s friends, family, or professionals, having a support system is vital for emotional health.

Riley faces the complexities of forming and maintaining friendships in high school and how to remain connected when becoming separated from the friends she had in middle school, highlighting the value of empathy, trust, and support.  Joy and Sadness helped her understand the importance of being there for her friends during tough times, utilizing her past core memories and sense of self experiences that defined her relationship with them to learn how to engage in forgiveness and understanding to maintain strong friendships.

The movie also focused on how family support is crucial during the challenges she faced, and how open communication strengthens family ties, especially when that communication is focused on expressing emotions in direct and effective ways.

With Riley working to join the high school hockey team, her sense of belonging in larger communities was tested, with Joy, Anxiety, and Embarrassment assisting her navigate the anxiety of joining new groups, while Anger and Disgust helped her stand up for herself and others, reinforcing the importance of community support and involvement.  Anger and Disgust also helped Riley assert her own needs and set boundaries with others, yet also with herself, as well as navigate conflicts and stand up for what is important to her.


“Inside Out 2” extends the emotional and psychological depth of the first film, offering numerous lessons about the complexities of growing up and managing emotions. From embracing new emotions and balancing them to developing empathy, communicating effectively, and pursuing personal growth, the film provides valuable insights that can help viewers of all ages navigate their own emotional landscapes. By learning from Riley’s continued journey, audiences are reminded of the importance of understanding and nurturing their inner emotional worlds, leading to a more emotionally intelligent and resilient life.

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